ICVT: Neuer Termin! Verschiebung auf 2022

Prof. Martin Vacha, Organisator des ICVT, bedauert die Verlegung des Termins (ursprünglich 4.-7. August 2021) auf 3.-6. August 2022.

Hier seine Nachricht, mit Details für die Anmeldung und eventuelle Umbuchungen; siehe auch www.icvt2021.com.

Dear colleagues,

the congress team and all involved institutions and friends work hard to create an unforgettable and unique 10th International Congress of Voice Teachers (ICVT) in Vienna/Austria, the „world capital of music“. The health situation in Austria is satisfying now, but nevertheless we have serious doubts about the global development of the pandemic in the next year. So the board of EVTA-Austria decided after an intense dialogue with its partners to shift the congress from 2021 to 3rd to 6th of august 2022.

We hope, that our rescheduling is no problem for you. Of curse, if you have already booked or sent your paper and cannot realize your participation in 2022, you can cancel for free. Otherwise all received applications and proposals stay valid. The dead-lines for registration (including the early bird fee) and the call for papers are extended for one year and stay open the whole time.

Please forward that important information to your colleagues or your members.

Finally I may forward you a very motivating and encouraging letter from our American friends, ICVT-President Prof. Marvin Keenze and NATS Executive Director Allen Henderson:

August 2020

Greetings to ICVT members and Congress participants,

All of us have been living through a difficult time worldwide. It has greatly affected our lives and certainly our teaching professions and performances. Our world has had to adapt and look ahead with creative energy and the scheduling of an ICVT Congress has been affected for the  first time since it all began in Strasbourg in 1987.

We are deeply grateful to the EVTA-Austrian Association and their 10th Congress planning committee for all that they are doing to reschedule our next Congress for August of 2022. The Chairman, Dr. Professor Martin Vacha will report on the plans already in progress. We send our complete support for their wisdom and dedication.


Marvin Keenze

NATS International Coordinator & ICVT Chairman

Allen Henderson

NATS Executive Director & ICVT Co-Chairman

Stay healthy and keep singing! ?

Greetings from sunny Austria,

Prof. Dr. Martin Vácha

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