Corona: Offener Brief an die EU Kommission

Gern leiten wir den folgenden an an die EU Kommission und die EU Mitgliedsstaaten gerichteten, offenen Brief weiter, den wir von unseren Kolleg*innen der EVTA erhalten haben. Wir rufen zur Mitzeichnung der damit verbundenen Petition auf.


Hier gehts zum offenen Brief an die EU-Kommission:…/open-letter-to-the-eu-demandi…

Hier zur Petition. Wir rufen zur Mitzeichnung auf:…/open-letter-to-the-eu-demandi…)


Hier das Schreiben der EVTA zum Weiterleiten:

Dear Councillors and friends,

Too many colleagues from the cultural sector are without work and without income because they work according to special statutes in the various European countries. Productions are canceled and contracts cannot be fulfilled. Others are self-employed teachers or coaches and are forced to quit. The outlook is not rosy and as long as the coronavirus lingers in our regions, there is little chance of improvement.

Therefore, this open letter to the European community, of which EVTA is a co-signatory.
We want to ask all associations to forward the open letter to all members and also to distribute it via social media.

The Open Letter (PDF) is available in the following languages: (English) (Deutsch) (Français) (Italiano) (Español) (Latviešu)

Please sign the petition, it is in the interest of each of us!

Susan Yarnall-Monks, president and the EVTA board

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