Estill Voice Training Level 2
Estill Voice Training Level 2: Figure Combinations for Six Voice Qualities™ is for anyone who has completed Level 1 and would like to take their skills further. This course is ideal for singers, actors, vocal coaches, drama instructors, speech-language pathologists, and other vocal health professionals. Level 2 builds on the knowledge and skills from Level 1 by asking participants to combine different Figure options into “recipes” for six basic voice qualities – Speech, Falsetto, Twang, Sob, Opera, and Belt.
EMCIs teaching this course include: Corinne Mager (USA/Austria), Patrik Thurner (Austria), Kim Steinhauer (USA), Naomi Eyers (Australia), Anne-Marie Speed (UK), Tim Richards (UK), Alizia Romero (Spain), & Julie Cimon Racine (Canada
Kategorie | Details |
Name | Estill Voice Training Level 2 |
Veranstaltungsart | Kurse von Mitgliedern |
Datum/Zeitraum | 31.07.2023 bis 01.08.2023 |
Adresse | VHS Wiener Urania Uraniastr. 1 A-1010 Wien |
Dozierende | Corinne Mager |
Website | |
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Zertifizierungspunkte | 16 |