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Endoscopic Evaluation with Kerrie Obert

This course is for Speech and Language Therapists who wish to improve their skills in conducting endoscopic evaluation and for curious singing teachers who are eager to learn about how the voice functions through the endoscopic lens.
Kerrie Obert will be guiding SLT’s (Speech and language therapists) and SLP’s (Speech and Language Pathologists) through best practice and willing singers and singing teachers will be their volunteers.
SLTs will be able to use this training to contribute to their RCSLT competencies. Voice teachers on the VRS pathway will be able to put this training towards their course units. All voice teachers will get a unique experience observing endoscopies and seeing if what we think is happening at the level of the larynx is what is really happening.

Ever wondered what your vocal folds look like in belt or thin fold function?
What does a constricted larynx really look like and what’s normal?

Kerrie Obert has conducted thousands of endoscopies throughout her career as a highly specialist SLP. She delivers teacher training through her Get Vocal Now platform and is a highly respected singing teacher, SLP and voice pedagogue.

NameEndoscopic Evaluation with Kerrie Obert
VeranstaltungsartKurse von Mitgliedern
Datum/Zeitraum06.03.2025 bis 08.03.2025
AdresseFriends House, 173-177 Euston Rd., London NW1 2BJ
DozierendeKerrie Obert, SLP
Anmelden überhttps://www.vocalhealth.co.uk/kerrie-obert-london/

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